IPAA WA Achievement Awards
The Commissioner for Children and Young People Award for Best Practice in Children’s Consultation recognises an organisation for excellence in listening to and using the views of children and young people to achieve significant outcomes.
The Commissioner’s award, established in 2022, is part of the Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) WA Achievement Awards which aim to recognise individual and organisational excellence in public service.
Visit the IPAA WA website for more information.
The Department of Communities received the award for their consultations to develop the WA Youth Action Plan, which champions universal youth services and initiatives.
The Youth Action Plan is based on consultation with more than 2,000 young people across Western Australia and can be views on their website. WA Youth Action Plan 2024-2027.
Consultations were held across metropolitan and regional WA, with multiple workshop formats at each location, including school-based workshops, informal consultations at popular youth ‘hang-out’ spots, and forums for young people and other stakeholders.
Participants could also complete an online survey, make a submission (for example song or video) or comment on social media posts.
A Special Commendation was awarded to City of Mandurah for their work with their Youth Advisory Group. For more information visit City of Mandurah’s website. Youth advisory group | City of Mandurah.

City of Melville received the Award for their youth strategy, which is four-year strategic road map for how the city will deliver initiatives and plans in partnership with young people to support their health, wellbeing, and connection to community, called ‘The Directions from Young People 2022-2025".
This new strategy was developed by the Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia who worked with the city throughout the project.
A Special Commendation was awarded to YACWA Consulting, Youth Affairs Council of WA.