Commissioner releases new profile of WA's children and young people
The latest Profile of Children and Young People in WA shows that in the last 10 years, the number of children under five has grown by 28 per cent.
Released by Commissioner Colin Pettit, the Profile of Children and Young People in WA provides a data snapshot of children across the state.
“The profile report provides important statistical information on WA children and young people to assist government and non-government organisations in planning for services and programs,” Mr Pettit said.
“Children and young people make up 23 per cent of WA’s population and it is important their needs are considered in all decision-making that affects them.”
The report contains data across areas such as population, projected growth, education, housing, disability and poverty. Some key statistics include:
- While most WA children and young people are doing well, around 44,000 are living below the poverty line
- More than 6,000 children and young people are in families on the public housing wait list
- Around 152,000 children and young people live in regional and remote areas.
“This combined data should be used to shape how and where adequate services are provided for children and young people,” Mr Pettit said.
Data contained in the profile report has been sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and State government departments.