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Views of WA children and young people hang in halls of Parliament House

After exhibitions around the State over the summer holidays, my landmark We Are 10 project has concluded with an exhibition of children’s artworks in Parliament House.

Over the last two weeks Members of Parliament – including Premier Mark McGowan MLA - have had the opportunity to read the views of 10 year-olds from all regions of the State.

A key part of my role is to ensure that the views of children and young people are heard so I am very pleased to have had the opportunity to showcase how WA 10 year-olds see their communities to Members of Parliament.

More than 80 locations around WA exhibited We Are 10 artworks, and these artworks will continue to be available to the community through my website.

My thanks to the 4,200 WA children and young people for sharing their views and their teachers for supporting them in creating their contributions.