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Living environment

The quality of physical and social environments can affect children and young people’s health and wellbeing.


My Place in WA - children and young people speak out about their living environment

Discussion paper - Living environment

The Commissioner's discussion paper on the effects of physical and social environments on the health and wellbeing of children and young people.

The effects of physical and social environments on the health and wellbeing of children and young people

A report prepared for the Commissioner for Children and Young People WA by Dr Carmen Lawrence

We Are 10 report - Life through the eyes of Western Australian 10 year-olds

We Are 10 report - Life through the eyes of Western Australian 10 year-olds

Issues papers

Built environment

Policy briefs



Submission to the Climate Health WA Inquiry, October 2019

The Commissioner provided evidence at the public hearing about the impacts of climate change on health in Western Australia.

Submission to the City of Perth, April 2010

Comment on the Urban Design Framework

More information

Video - Life through the eyes of WA 10 year-olds

More than 4,200 children from around Western Australia shared their views on life at 10 years old

Video - Life through the eyes of WA 10 year-olds from the Goldfields

Video - Life through the eyes of WA 10 year-olds from the Kimberley

Video - Life through the eyes of WA 10 year-olds from the Mid West


Thinker in Residence 2014

International expert in child resilience Dr Michael Ungar visited Perth in 2014, offering new perspectives on a community-wide approach to building resilience in children and young people, particularly those who are vulnerable or who have complex needs.

iBUILD 2010

iBUILD enabled a group of children and young people to have a say about how the spaces and places in their communities can be improved for children and young people.

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