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Child safe organisations

A child safe and friendly organisation values children and understands safety doesn’t just happen. A commitment to protecting children is embedded in the organisation’s culture and is understood and accepted by everyone.

The Commissioner has developed a range of resources to support organisations to develop child safe strategies – balancing the focus on child safety with continued positive interactions and environments that contribute to healthy development.


Data Snapshot - Students views on safety

The Commissioner’s Speaking Out Survey 2021 (SOS21), conducted with 16,532 WA students, affirmed previous findings that many children and young people do not always feel safe at home, at school and in their community.

National Principles for Child Safe Organisations WA - Checklist for parents

National Principles for Child Safe Organisations WA: Information for parents, carers and family members

National Principles for Child Safe Organisations WA: Self-assessment and review tool - updated Word template

Policy briefs

Children and young people speak out about education and safety at school

Children and young people speak out about education and safety at school

Children and young people speak out about education and safety in schools

Children and young people speak out about education and safety in schools

Safety and child protection: The impact on the wellbeing of WA children and young people

Developed from the Commissioner's 2014 Wellbeing Monitoring Framework

Children and young people speak out about safety

Developed from the Commissioner's 2011 Wellbeing research project


Submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, November 2016

Inquiry into Serious allegations of abuse, self-harm and neglect of asylum seekers in relation to the Nauru Regional Processing Centre, and any like allegations in relation to the Manus Regional Processing Centre.

Submission to the Department for Child Protection and Family Support, February 2015

Out of Home care Strategic Directions 2015 - 2020

More information

Child Safe eLearning - NSW Office of the Children's Guardian

The NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian has launched a suite of Child Safe eLearning packages and resources available for download.

National Principles for Child Safe Organisations

The National Principles aim to provide a nationally consistent approach to creating organisational cultures that foster child safety and wellbeing across all sectors.

Safeguarding children and young people portal

The Institute of Child Protection Studies at Australian Catholic University offers a range of services, courses and professional development programs to help individuals and organisations understand and apply child-safe and child-friendly practices and policies.

Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse - Child safe institutions

Volumes 6, 7 and 8 examine what makes an organisation child safe and recommends approaches to improve child safety.

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