Advisory Committee off to a great start
I was pleased to meet one of my 2015 Advisory Committees for the first time yesterday, the School of Special Education Needs: Sensory.
As part of a full-day youth leadership conference, the group invited me to join in and hear about their plans for their Us and Our Community project.
It was fantastic to see such an engaged group of young people. During the session we spoke about how they will gather information and present findings about the impact of social media on children and young people and, more specifically, on the health and wellbeing of young people with a sensory loss.
This will be a very important piece of work as no previous research about technology factors has been completed to date regarding this specific group of people.
I am very much looking forward to seeing how the project progresses.
The School of Special Education Needs: Sensory Advisory Committee is made up of 16 high school students from across the Perth metropolitan region who are deaf, deafblind, blind or vision impaired.
Advisory Committees are an important way for me to hear the views of WA children and young people, and what they say helps guide my work. As well as their research project this year, Advisory Committees will provide advice and comment on other projects and issues.
Thank you to my Advisory Committee for the opportunity to meet and work with you.
Jenni Perkins
Acting Commissioner for Children and Young People