New award celebrates excellence in child safe practices
Organisations that are making real improvements to the safety of children and young people they engage with will be recognised in a new award created by the Commissioner for Children and Young People.
The new award is part of the WA Child Safety Awards, an initiative of the Constable Care Child Safety Foundation that aims to celebrate WA people and agencies dedicated to building safe communities and protecting children and young people from harm.
The Commissioner Colin Pettit said a child safe and friendly organisation values children and understands safety doesn’t just happen.
“Our Child Safe Organisations WA resources were launched almost a year ago and we have been working to inform both government and non-government agencies about the importance of establishing comprehensive policies and practices,” the Commissioner said.
“It is vital a commitment to protecting children is embedded in every organisation’s culture and is understood and accepted by everyone.
“I am looking forward to seeing through this award the good work organisations have commenced to improve children’s safety.”
Nominations are open until 12 May 2017.
More information and nomination forms are available from the WA Child Safety Awards website.