Recognition for WA’s outstanding carers and support agencies
The importance of carers and support agencies who work with vulnerable children and young people was highlighted last night at the annual Children Youth and Family Agencies Association (CYFAA) awards.
The awards recognise and celebrate excellence in working with children and families who are within the child protection system.
All children and young people, including those in out-of-home care, have the right to be safe and to grow up in a loving and nurturing environment.
Carers, child protection workers and support staff working directly with children in care have a large impact on children’s wellbeing.
It was my honour to present the Effective Practice Award to Tara Seaward from Uniting Care West.
This award recognises the commitment and dedication involved in creating positive outcomes for children, young people and their families and promoting a sense of care, hope and support for children in care.
The CYFAA Awards are open to employees from the Department for Child Protection and Family Support and agencies including Anglicare WA, Wanslea Family Services, Uniting Care West, Parkerville Children and Youth Care, MercyCare, Key Assets WA, Centrecare Djooraminda, Create Foundation, Salvation Army Crossroads West, Yorganop, Safe Places and FINWA.