Young voices provide inspiration and guidance
"When I first started at Clontarf I kept getting in trouble, like missing the camps and stuff. I felt pretty left out though so decided I didn’t want to be in trouble anymore. It’s more fun doing the right thing. It means I can get more involved and not only help others but improve myself."
These are the words of 17 year-old Brayden from Carnarvon who is one of 12 Aboriginal young people that will be featured in a publication to be released by the Commissioner in the coming weeks.
The publication, titled This Is Me, was created as a result of comments by Aboriginal children and young people who took part in the Commissioner’s recent consultation, in which they said role models and mentors were important in their lives.
The Commissioner said the 12 Aboriginal children and young people profiled are just every day young people who are working hard to help their communities and build a positive future.
“NAIDOC Week is an appropriate time to think about the many positive contributions Aboriginal children and young people are making and what we can do to support their wellbeing and development,” the Commissioner said.
“I am looking forward to releasing This Is Me and hope it provides inspiration for Aboriginal children and young people across WA to seek out the support they need and keep working hard to reach their goals.”
You can read Brayden’s full article on the Spotlight page of the Commissioner’s website.