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Penrhos College Advisory Committee

The Commissioner’s metropolitan Advisory Committee was made up of 15 senior school leaders and students in Years 11 and 12 at Penrhos College. Penrhos College is a primary and secondary day and boarding school for girls, located in the southern suburb of Perth, Como.



Wednesday 30 November 2022

To conclude the activities of the Commissioner’s 2022 Advisory Committees, students from Margaret River Senior High School and Penrhos College attended an afternoon tea hosted by His Excellency the Honourable Chris Dawson APM, Governor of Western Australia. The Committees celebrated their achievements throughout the year and shared their views on girls’ wellbeing with the Governor and his wife, Mrs. Dawson.

The students shared some of their discussions on gender inequality and women in sport, period poverty, the need for early consent education, and the need for more inclusive school environments, including gender-neutral bathrooms. Committee members have actively participated throughout the year in talks with school leaders, local councils and local members of Parliament to raise these issues and advocate for young people to be at the table when decisions about their wellbeing are made.

The Commissioner thanks all Advisory Committee members for their efforts.

21 September 2022

The Penrhos College Advisory Committee recently met with Head of Wesley College Ross Barron, Chair of the College's Gender Equality Advisory Panel (GEAP) Claire Leong and members of the GEAP. Supported by the Commissioner and Penrhos College staff, members of the Advisory Committee led a discussion to find out more about the GEAP, share their own perspectives around gender equality and investigate some opportunities for future collaboration between schools and student leaders. An open, passionate and insightful discussion.

24 August 2022 

During their third meeting, Advisory Committee members briefed the Commissioner on their activities so far. They also bravely led a discussion about their challenges as young women in navigating negative online spaces, including how important it is to speak up against gender inequality.

18 May 2022

During their second meeting, Committee members continued their conversations around gender equality. The students shared their perceptions of how gender inequality impacts on relationships and mental health, as well as how they feel women's sport is often not taken seriously. They identified some of the improvements that could be made in this space, as well as some potential opportunities for better collaboration and coordination between single-sex schools to share learning opportunities across a wider range of subject areas. 

9 March 2022

Penrhos College hosted the inaugural Advisory Committee meeting with the Commissioner. Advisory Committee members learned more about their role and shared their early insights around gender equality, consent and respectful relationships.

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