Albany and Mount Barker regional visit report released
The Commissioner for Children and Young People Colin Pettit has released a report on his visit to Albany and Mount Barker.
During the visit the Commissioner met with several agencies, services providers and schools in the area to hear of their experiences and the challenges of living within a regional community.
Mr Pettit said it was fantastic to have met with such a committed cohort of organisations, each working hard to better the lives of children and young people.
“This visit was my first visit to a regional location since commencing in my role as Commissioner in late 2015, and it was pleasing to hear about all the positive things happening in the community,” Mr Pettit said.
“I was also particularly pleased to have had the opportunity to meet with my 2016 regional Advisory Committee, the North Albany Senior High School Student Councillors and the Rising Albany Yorgas, to discuss their important role in my consultation with children and young people about education.”
“The students demonstrated great enthusiasm and I very much look forward to working more with them this year.”
As part of the visit, the Commissioner also heard about some of the important issues facing the community, including access to services such as transport and mental health, increased drug use and homelessness, which are addressed in more detail within the report.
The Commissioner visits regional and rural Western Australian communities to often give children and young people in these areas the opportunity to have their views heard.