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Important recognition for agencies working with vulnerable children and young people

The work of many in the non-government sector who provide vital support for vulnerable children and young people was recognised last night at the annual Children Youth & Family Agencies Association (CYFAA) awards.

These annual awards are an opportunity to acknowledge the work of employees from the Department for Child Protection and Family Support and agencies including Anglicare WA, Wanslea Family Services, Uniting Care West, Parkerville Children and Youth Care, MercyCare, Key Assets WA, Centrecare Djooraminda, Create Foundation, Salvation Army Crossroads West, Safe Places and FINWA.

It was my pleasure to present the ‘Effective Practice’ award, which recognises people in the non-government sector who have demonstrated great commitment and dedication to create positive outcomes for children, young people, and families.

The winners of this award for 2015 were David and Melissa Lawton, who have done outstanding work empowering and enabling three young siblings who had been neglected and traumatised, helping them work through their issues and form stable attachments to their carers to help them to thrive. David and Melissa are professional carers for Parkerville.

Children and young people experiencing out-of-home care are extremely vulnerable, and with this week being National Child Protection Week it is a reminder that we all have a part to play in ensuring that Western Australia’s children and young people are safe and are provided every opportunity to reach their potential.

Jenni Perkins
Acting Commissioner for Children and Young People