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Belonging Across Borders survey

This survey is now closed. Thank you for your participation.

We're on a mission to reveal the unheard stories of children & young people from cultural & linguistically diverse backgrounds in Western Australia.
Your voice has an impact.

Why should you participate?

We are listening to what you have to say. This isn't just another survey; it's a platform to understand the challenges faced by culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) children and young people in WA.

With almost 15% of the State's young population coming from overseas, your story is crucial.

In the 'Belonging Across Borders' survey, we're gathering the real-life stories of our young people whose families have immigrated to WA. From adjusting to a new language and school to finding where they feel they belong in a new culture.

With your help, we can...

- Ensure that every child and young person feels valued, understood, and supported in their quest to belong.
- Share your ideas on how we can make the transition easier for others in your shoes.


Ready to make a difference?

Use your voice to shape the future influencing decisions by government agencies and organisations.

Your words could pave the way to improve programs for CaLD young people in Western Australia.

Don't let your story go untold.