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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people

The role of the Commissioner for Children and Young People includes giving priority to, and having special regard to, the interests and needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people.

In 2022, seven young Aboriginal women from three Kalgoorlie high schools formed a Young Aboriginal Researchers in Community (YARiC) group to learn about ethical community research methodologies and explore topics related to girls' wellbeing. The YARiC girls developed an online survey for school peers about wellbeing, mental health, connectedness and gender equity. The survey findings have been collated into the Report on the YARiC Wellbeing Survey. Click on the image below to see the report. Click here for the report on the YARiC Wellbeing Survey

The Engaging with Aboriginal Children and Young People Toolkit outlines a process for establishing a long-term, sustainable commitment to working with Aboriginal children and young people within their community and developing effective initiatives that improve their current wellbeing and future opportunities. Click on the below image to check out the toolkit.

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Aboriginal children and young people in remote WA: Insights from SOS21

Following on from SOS21, the Commissioner released a new report in December 2022 focusing on the voices of Aboriginal children and young people living in remote WA who participated in the survey.

Report on the YARiC Wellbeing Survey

Findings from the survey developed by 7 young Aboriginal women who took part in the Commissioner's 2022 Young Aboriginal Researcher's in Community (YARiC) program.

Data Snapshot - Aboriginal students views on their wellbeing

In 2021, the Commissioner's Speaking Out Survey 2021 (SOS21) heard from 16,532 WA Year 4 to Year 12 students, including 1,503 Aboriginal students. A key SOS21 finding was that while Aboriginal students fared less well than non-Aboriginal students in terms of material needs and family worries, many reported high self-esteem and a sense of belonging in their communities.

Wyndham change-maker program

The Commissioner is working with the Wyndham Youth Aboriginal Corporation to address youth unemployment, stability and mental health issues, and appropriate youth-informed service provision.

Policy briefs

Aboriginal children and young people's education

Developed from the Commissioner's 2014 Wellbeing Monitoring Framework

The health of Aboriginal children and young people in Western Australia

Developed from the Commissioner's 2014 Wellbeing Monitoring Framework

Aboriginal children and young people

Developed from the Commissioner's 2011 Mental Health Inquiry

Aboriginal children and young people speak out about culture and identity

Developed from the Commissioner's 2011 Wellbeing research project


Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the Commissioner for Children and Young People on the need for a Western Australian Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People

The Commissioner made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee regarding the merits of appointing a Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People.

Submission in response to the Australian Human Rights Commission concept paper for a national anti-racism framework

The Commissioner made a submission to the Human Rights Commission in support of a national anti-racism Framework that strives for equitable and inclusive communities and addresses the many facets of racism.

Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs inquiry into the application of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Australia

The Commissioner made a submission to the Senate Standing Committee highlighting the importance of culture in the lives of Aboriginal children and young people, the impact that racism and discrimination has on their health and wellbeing, and the need to empower Aboriginal-led solutions and decision making.

Submission to the Aboriginal office of advocacy and accountability discussion paper, August 2018

The Commissioner provided comment to the discussion paper on an office for advocacy and accountability in Aboriginal affairs in Western Australia.

More information

Young Aboriginal Leaders

The Commissioner supports Aboriginal children and young people to become leaders will strengthen communities across WA.

Statement by Commissioner June Oscar to UN Forum

Statement by Commissioner June Oscar to UN Forum

10 minutes on leadership... with Colleen Hayward

10 minutes on leadership... with Colleen Hayward

Opinion piece – Judge calls for care overhaul

His Honour Judge Denis Reynolds, The West Australian


Listening to the views of Aboriginal children and young people 2015

In November 2015, the Commissioner for Children and Young People WA hosted a seminar to report the findings of its landmark consultation report “Listen to Us”, which was tabled in WA Parliament in August 2015.