Beckenham Primary School Student Representative Council
The Beckenham Primary School Student Representative Council was the inaugural metropolitan Commissioner's Advisory Committee in 2010.
The work of the Advisory Committee helped the Commissioner to understand a lot more about life for children and young people in the Beckenham area and also contributed to significant projects, such as the design of the 2010 Commissioner's Report to the Community.
The Beckenham Primary School Student Representative Council consists of students from Years 1 to 7 who are voted by their classes to represent them on council. Pre-primary students join in Term 3.
The student councillors from Years 4 to 7 attend Young Leaders Day each year so that they can learn leadership skills and support each other to be responsible and role models to other students. The councillors report to the school at weekly assemblies to promote our sustainable schools projects such as the worm farms, vegetable garden, clothing for Cystic Fibrosis, recycling cans and ring pulls for Wheelchairs for Kids. They also remind students of the Tribe agreements to show mutual respect and appreciations to those who help us.
Us and Our Community project
The Beckenham Advisory Committee worked hard on their ‘Us and Our Community’ project. They held a ‘Kids Talk Fest’ in June inviting students from other schools in the City of Gosnells for a day of discussion and activity. Forty children and young people participated, presenting a report to the Commissioner and the Mayor of Gosnells was a special guest.
Members also gave their time before school to meet with a member of the Commissioner’s staff and discuss the Commissioner’s Face to Face 2009 annual report to children. They gave advice about what they liked and also what they thought could be done differently.
The advice from both Advisory Committees has helped decide the design of the Commissioner’s 2010-11 Annual Report.
As part of their 'Us and our community' project, the Beckenham Primary School Student Representative Council held a multicultural and multi-age lunch on Wednesday 2nd December at the Beckenham Community Church Hall.
Students invited community members, grandparents and parents from other countries to prepare and share a delicious and healthy lunch with them.
The lunch was a great success with students reporting how much they enjoyed meeting with people of all ages and cultures from their community.
Kids Talk Fest report
Shared Lunch report
September 2010
The Metropolitan Advisory Committee now has new members for second semester (except for the Head Boy and Head Girl), including two pre-primary students.
In the last week of Term 3, the sixteen Councillors met with a member of the Commissioner's staff to talk about the Commissioner's website. Taking turns to navigate through the website, particularly the Shout Out section, they gave their opinions about what they liked and what they thought could be improved.
Generally the Councillors liked the bubbles, the photos and the 'sticky notes'. They would like to see more photos, bright colours and interesting text styles.
June 2010
As part of their 'Us and our community' project, the Beckenham Primary School Student Representative Council held a Kids Talk Fest on Wednesday 2nd June at the Canning River Eco Education Centre.
Student leaders from schools in the City of Gosnells were invited to come and have their voice heard on community issues that are important to them now and in the future. The 40 primary school students who attended took part in a day of activities which culminated with building models of their 'perfect community'.
The day was a great success with students reporting how much they enjoyed meeting with students from other schools and discussing issues that are important to them all.