Self-regulation publications
During his residency, Dr Shanker referred to publications and resources that provide useful further information concerning self-regulation.
Some other related resources have been included.
Infant/child mental health, early intervention and relationship-based therapies by Connie Lillas and Janeice Turnbull - an interdisciplinary framework for clinicians based on current neuroscientific research, to assist in assessment and intervention.
Last child in the woods by Richard Louv - a book which discusses the lack of nature in the lives of today's children and young people and links this to rises in obesity, attention disorders, and depression.
Handbook of self-regulation (2nd ed) edited by Kathleen D Vohs and Roy F Baumeister - the handbook examines how self-regulation shapes, and is shaped by, social relationships. Failures of self-regulation are also addressed, in chapters on addictions, overeating, compulsive spending, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
The ALERT Program - the ALERT program teaches self-regulation awareness. Although the program initially was intended for children ages 8 to 12 with attention and learning difficulties, it has been adapted for preschool through to adults and for a variety of disabilities.
PATHS - Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies Program - the PATHS program is a universal, classroom-based social and emotional learning program aimed at primary school students.
The Classroom Assessment Scoring System™ (CLASS™) -an observational tool for teachers focused on classroom interactions that boost student learning.
DVD and videos
Building Brains for Young Children published by Ngala - this DVD covers brain development from conception to age 3 with special emphasis on attachment, the role of dad's, language development, play, nutrition and sleep.
2012 Thinker in Residence keynote address - Dr Shanker's keynote address delivered at Wesley College, Perth, 5 June 2012
People for Education keynote address - Dr Stuart Shanker discusses how new research on brain development is changing ideas about how we learn, teach and parent, at the Canadian People for Education conference 2010
Self-Regulation: Calm, Alert, and Learning by Dr Stuart Shanker, in Education Canada Vol 50 (3), 2010 - this article provides an overview and case studies of self-regulation in the classroom.
Dr Stuart Shanker's new book, Calm, alert and learning published September 2012.