Opportunities to better support Aboriginal children's mental health
Yesterday afternoon our 2016-17 Thinker in Residence Professor Jane Burns met with a range of Aboriginal stakeholders in an event at Kurongkurl Katitjin, Centre for Indigenous Australian Education and Research at ECU Mt Lawley.
The meeting provided an opportunity for the participants to have a discussion with Professor Burns around the unique challenges and issues being faced by Aboriginal children and young people in WA, and how her research could be used to strengthen their wellbeing.
I have a special interest in the views and needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people. It is imperative that their perspectives are included in any conversations we have around young people’s wellbeing.
The discussion generated by yesterday’s event was dynamic and it helped both Professor Burns and attendees gain more understanding of what social media and technological initiatives may be effective in supporting young people’s mental health here in WA.
The Thinker in Residence program continues to make positive progress. Professor Burns will be attending several more engagements over the week.