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Complaints systems

The Commissioner has a statutory responsibility to monitor the way government agencies deal with complaints made by children and young people.

The Commissioner works to ensure all children and young people feel supported in raising a complaint with a government agency.


Monitoring of complaints systems 2021

The Commissioner's report from a survey of government agencies about their complaints systems and the complaints they have received from children and young people.

Child Friendly Complaints Guidelines

Guidelines to assist organisations to support children and young people to make a complaint or raise a concern.

Child-focused complaint handling - Core components 2019

The core components of a child-focused complaints system, extracted from the Commissioner's Monitoring of complaints systems report.

Monitoring of complaints systems 2019

The Commissioner's 2019 report from a survey of government agencies about their complaints systems and the complaints they have received from children and young people.

Policy briefs

Children and young people speak out about safety

Developed from the Commissioner's 2011 Wellbeing research project


Submission to the Joint Select Committee on Australia's Family Law System, February 2020

The Commissioner provided recommendations to the Inquiry into Australia's Family Law System.

Complaints Guidelines - examples

To respect and protect children and young people, and to provide opportunities for organisational improvement, it is vital that all organisations have complaints systems that are accessible and responsive to children and young people.

The Commissioner has developed guidelines on how to make complaints processes child friendly.

The guidelines include examples of the great work occurring around Western Australia. Further projects are detailed on the participation examples page.

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