LGBTI children and young people
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex (LGBTI) children and young people have the right to be recognised for their gender identity, sexual orientation or intersex status, and to feel safe and respected where ever they are.
The LGBTI Advisory Committee resources page contains four short videos produced by the Commissioner's 2018 Perth LGBTI Advisory Committee and the Bunbury Senior High School Advisory Committee. The resources will be used in schools and organisations working with children and young people to help develop inclusive policies and protocols to create safe, inclusive environments for LGBTI children and young people.
Issues papers
LGBTI children and young people
Submission to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, November 2018
The Commissioner's submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee about the legislative exemptions that allow faith-based educational institutions to discriminate against students, teachers and staff.
Submission to Law Reform Commission - Review of Western Australian legislation in relation to the recognition of a person's sex, change of sex or intersex status, October 2018
The Commissioner has made a submission to the Law Reform Commission in relation to their review of WA legislation relating to recognition of a person’s sex, change of sex or intersex status.
Submission to the WA LGBTI Health Strategy, October 2018
The Commissioner has provided comment to help inform the WA LGBTI Health Strategy.
Submission to Australian Human Rights Commission - Protecting the human rights of people born with variations in sex characteristics project, September 2018
The Commissioner has written to the Australian Human Rights Commission in response to the consultation questions of the Protecting the human rights of people born with variations in sex characteristics project.
More information
LGBTI Advisory Committee resources
The Commissioner's 2018 Bunbury Senior High School Advisory Committee and the Perth LGBTI Advisory Committee have produced several resources for schools and other organisations working with children and young people. The resources will help develop inclusive policies and protocols to create safe, inclusive environments for LGBTI children and young people.
Freedom Centre
Freedom Centre provides a drop-in space for young people (under 26) who are LGBTI looking to meet other young people, hang out and get peer support and information if they need it.
2018 Advisory Committees
In early 2018, the Commissioner formed two advisory committees to inform the office's work on the wellbeing needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or intersex children and young people in Western Australia. The committees include the Perth LGBTI Advisory Committee and the Bunbury Senior High School Advisory Committee.
Telethon Kids Institute: Trans Pathways report
Telethon Kids Institute: Trans Pathways report